27 de abril de 2020


What can be better, during these uncertain times, than producing innovative research about fun primary sources that can fill our hearts with hope and motivation? With the aim of making that possible, the PopMec academic collective opens a call for papers about one of the most successful and influential American popular culture productions: the Rocky film series. Mostly written, starred and directed by Sylvester Stallone, the story of the Italian-American boxer Rocky Balboa cautived the world, since 1976 till our days, with 6 movies and 2 spin-offs (the Creed series). 

Do not let the crisis knockout your ideas and counterattack by submitting a full paper (4000 words max. including references) about any aspect related with the Rocky series and its multifaceted representation of the US, its internal conflicts and external enemies (all must include a 150-250 words max. abstract, author’s name and affiliation). The papers will be peer-reviewed on a rolling basis by our editorial team and external collaborators, who will get back at you with the shortest notice possible. In this case, the only language accepted is English.

The works accepted will be published on our platform as part of a special section dedicated to the subject. According to the feedback and participation the Rocky forum will raise, we will consider proposing the publication of an edited volume collecting the contributions.

The deadline for submissions is the 15th of July.

Please, check our refreshed author guidelines page and don’t hesitate to drop us a line with any doubt or inquiry you might have at popmec.research@gmail.com.

Send your proposal to popmec.call@gmail.com attaching your text, inclusive of a short bio (100-120 words), name, affiliation, and email contact in a single file.

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