3 de agosto de 2020


We invite proposals from researchers, teaching faculty, administrators, activists, counselors, and theorists for a collection of essays on trauma-informed teaching and learning in higher education after COVID/during crisis. While studies abound on trauma-informed approaches for mental health service providers, law enforcement, nurses, and K-12 educators, strategies geared to college faculty, staff, and administrators are not readily available. Since March, with the rapid spread of the coronavirus across the United States and the abrupt shift to online delivery of instruction and remote work, many educators and institutions have become overwhelmed. Tips, tools, and techniques for colleges and college learners are in high demand. This interdisciplinary collection will provide evidence-based approaches to curriculum development, teaching practices, organizational strategies, program administration, and policy revision in higher education that redress the impact of trauma during crisis.

The aim of Lessons from the Pandemic is a research-based, practical guide for faculty, staff, and administrators in higher education that cuts across disciplinary boundaries, provides field-tested tools, and offers insights from population groups, especially those already at risk: LGBTQ+ people, non-binary people, people of color, women, people with disabilities, young people and seniors, poor and working-class people, first-gen learners, and others who are marginalized. The intention is to connect trauma-informed principles to practices in higher education. Lessons from the Pandemic joins a conversation in place on campuses across the globe about how we are using what we have learned during COVID to construct a new discourse around teaching and learning during crisis.

We are inviting several types of submissions. Collaborative authorship and multiple submissions are welcomed.
  1. Narrative Inter Views: Narratives of experience that take up the struggle and success of trauma-informed teaching and learning during the covid crisis (1000-2000 words). Questions to help elicit a narrative are provided on the website.
  2. Infusing Trauma-Informed Principles: Essays that illustrate one or more trauma-informed principles in practice (2000-5000 words).
  3. Approaches to Working with Specific Populations: Essays that illustrate trauma-informed approaches to teaching specific populations (3000-5000 words).
  4. Trauma-Informed Teaching Across the Curriculum: Essays that illustrate trauma-informed approaches to teaching in specific disciplines (3000-5000 words).
  5. Trauma-Informed Teaching Toolbox: A collection of concrete strategies, tips, policies, practices, assignment prompts, and activities for teaching during times of crisis (400-800 words). These may be tools that are mentioned in the other submission types or separate submissions. Guidelines for tool submission are provided on the Lessons from the Pandemic website.

Submission Process:

Please fill out the submission form on the website and upload the following materials by August 17.
  • Abstract: A Brief Description of your Proposed Submission (500-750 words)  
  • Bio of Author(s), as it would appear in the book (75- 150 words per author)  
  • CV or resume (for each author)

Target audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators, and Graduate Students in Higher Education

Abstract submission deadline: August 17, 2020

Tentative publication schedule:

Selected submission authors notified by September 21, 2020

Submissions due to editors by December 1, 2020

Final submissions to publisher by March 1, 2021

For questions, please email Phyllis Thompson (thompsop@etsu.edu) or Janice Carello (jcarello@edinboro.edu).

Please visit the Lessons from the Pandemic website to access the submission form and to upload your proposal.

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