19 de agosto de 2020


The AnthroVision Journal special issue on “Computer Vision” explores design, co-creation, and labour with image recognition technologies, and the shifting ontologies between knowledge and the senses using new digital tools. What methodological frameworks are there for anthropologists to work alongside engineers, designers and other professionals? We are seeking papers dealing with such issues, as well as, on the conditions of immaterial labour to create training sets.

Based off "Training Humans" by Dr. Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglen, the current practices for creating training sets for computer vision AI harkens back to the colonial era of anthropology: systems-based interpretations of discrete cultures and the positivistic apparatus of observational film. In particular, people of color, migrants, and low-wage workers are the most vulnerable targets of this visual taxonomy. Furthermore, platforms for training computer vision, such as Amazon Mechanical Turk, are exploitative. Workers, based mainly in the global south, have just seconds to analyze each image in order to work at a pace that can profit them. This complicates the multi-sited entanglements of subjugation and exploitation between the observer and observed, laying the ground for examining the interrelations of epistemology, labour and AI bias.

How can anthropologists articulate ethical issues between knowledge formation, scientific institutions and neoliberalism. How do anthropologists find reflexive modes of analysis? Where are possibilities for future interventions?

Send abstract to: jielianglin821@gmail.com and nadinewanono@gmail.com

Abstract Deadline: Monday, September 7th.
Abstract length: 500 words.

Essay length: 6-7000 words

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