28 de julio de 2020


The Journal of Performance Magic is an annual, peer-reviewed online publication from The University of Huddersfield Press. (ISSN 2051-6037)   The Journal focuses on a multidisciplinary and contemporary approach to the field of Performance Magic, covering its influence, legacy, and future on wider performing arts practice and other diverse academic disciplines. In recent years, the academic study of performance magic has made exciting and creative links within emerging disciplines such as; cognitive sciences, architectural design, and emerging technologies. The journal seeks to strengthen these relationships as well as encourage consideration into areas of performance magic that have not yet been explored within academic research, and to develop new perspectives on previously researched areas. 

The Journal of Performance Magic serves a wide and international academic and non-traditional academic community and invites contributions from researchers and practitioners throughout the world and from a wide range of disciplines. Research will be welcomed from areas including, but not limited to; performance training, psychology, scripting, scenography, cultural studies, philosophy, neuroscience invention/application, magic technology, ethics, narrative/storytelling, and theme parks. 

The next volume sees the journal’s re-launch on a new platform and we are therefore announcing a call for papers for this brand-new issue: The New Normal

We are looking for work that attempts to uncover some of the crucial themes and key issues facing contemporary performance magic in light of COVID-19. The pandemic has had a significant impact on all aspects of life, including the performing arts. This has necessitated a response from performers on finding new ways to engage with their craft and community.

In addition, the spread of the infection has resulted in the spread of fake news and theories on the origins and workings of the virus, often perpetuated by social media. In response to the sudden shift in day-to-day life, varying degrees of magical thinking have been displayed in an attempt by individuals and groups to negotiate the new normal.

The Journal welcomes articles between 5000-9000 words in response to these developments from the perspective of performance magic theory and practice. Articles might address, but are by no means limited to, the following areas:
  • Truth and Authenticity - negotiating digital liveness in magic performance. 
  • Making the analogue digital - magical invention in response to COVID19. 
  • Moving the magic community online. 
  • The history of magic performed at a distance; for example, the radio effects of the Piddingtons. 
  • Can magic be digital? 
  • Magical thinking and COVID19. 
  • Magic, Health and Wellbeing.  

The Journal would also welcome short responses on the COVID19 pandemic in the form of statements, provocations, or reflections on practice from performance magicians themselves. 

Please submit your contributions via our website by 31st October 2020

Full instructions for submission to the journal can be found here.

All contributions will be peer-reviewed subject to their acceptance. We also accept book, performance and exhibition reviews.

If you have any queries, please email the editors at jpmeditors@hud.ac.uk

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