10 de julio de 2020


Intellectus invites submissions of research articles, interviews and book reviews that are specifically or broadly related to the focus: 'Floyding' Institutional Racism

Following the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, there are protests, toppling and removal of iconic statues relating to slavery and racism. Despite some acts of reprisals, there seems to be an overwhelming acceptance of the protests and that there is an urgent need for reforms against systemic injustice to black people and/or people of colour. In memory of George Floyd, we refer to the various shows of acceptance as Floyding.

The major question is that to what extent can change be possible going by circumstances that may prove to the contrary. In the context of institutional racism, racism seems to already be a culture and even many persons are instinctively racist without knowing or acknowledging that they are racists. This is the result of implicit racism that has been imbedded into the socio-political spheres and developed to be a culture that appears normal.

Below are further questions that emanate from these thoughts.
  • While the physical representations or explicit attitudes of racism can be condemned and discouraged, what can be done in the context of implicit racially biased behaviours?
  • Is Floyding a racism that is unseen or that cannot be captured by cameras or videos possible? While we can topple statues relating to racism, how can we topple such statues that are erected in human minds?
  • How should we address complex cases where racism is facilitated by individuals who naturally belong to the group of victims of racism – especially in the context of modern slavery?

Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts for blind peer review through email: IntellectusJournal@gmail.com before 16th August 2020

For more info visit the journal's website

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