14 de abril de 2021


ECREA is happy to announce that the 8th European Communication Conference - Communication and Trust, scheduled for 6-9 September 2021, will take place as an online conference.

The conference, initially scheduled for October 2020, was postponed to September 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the current state of the pandemic and the rather grim outlook for being able to organise a major international physical event in September, the International Organising Committee has decided to organize the event in an online format.

Since we strongly believe that ECREA conferences are more than merely occasions for the unidirectional broadcast of research findings, the conference will take place as a live online event. We will not rely on pre-recorded presentations – all panels will be organised as live sessions, with presentations given in real time. The format of the plenary sessions will also be adjusted to the new digital reality. Only a small number of special sessions, such as poster sessions, will be pre-recorded.

We aim to facilitate as much interaction as possible, mimicking the physical conference format but also embracing the new opportunities of the online format. All live sessions will be recorded, so you will be able to catch-up on the ones you missed or have overlapped with your schedule. Due to the online format, we are able to dedicate more time for Section, Network and Temporary Working Group business meetings. The participation in elections of the next Executive Board will also be enhanced – you will be able to vote even if you will not be a conference participant. The conference will not be limited to presenting authors – a number of places will also be offered to members and non-members who have not been accepted to the conference to participate as non-presenting “auditors”.

More information is available on the online conference website.

The registration process opens on 13 April 2021, the information on grants for young scholars will be published in mid-April and the deadline for confirmation of participation is 6 May 2021. Plenary sessions will be announced in May.

All accepted participants will receive a separate email with detailed instructions on confirmation and registration.

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