8 de octubre de 2020


Cuadernos.info is opening a call for the publication of a special issue or main theme on any of the communication areas covered by the journal and that are of interest to our readers, to be published in June 2022. Areas of interest include: theories, empirical evidence and methodological developments regarding media, professional practices, audiences, institutions, technologies, as well as the effects of communication on the social, political, economic and cultural aspects, in the areas of journalism, institutional communication, broadcast, film, multimedia and advertising.

A special issue will typically have five to eight articles, plus a brief editorial written by guest editors.

Those interested in participating and applying as guest editors of a special issue or theme section should consider the following guidelines.


Submission guidelines

  • They will be editors of the special issue, so they will be directly involved in the entire editorial process and work along the editorial team of Cuadernos.info in the thematic call for papers, the revision of the articles’ relevance, the assignment of reviewers, the selection of articles, and the manuscripts’ final edition. This requires a significant commitment of time and organizational capacity, which must be considered when applying. 
  • Those interested should send a proposal of “Call for papers” for the issue they are proposing, which must have a maximum 1.000 words (Letter paper size, type 12, spaced 1.5). This call must include: 
    • A title in Spanish and English. 
    • Name, email and institutional affiliation of the applicant editors. 
    • Indicate if the applicants belong to research groups, associations and contact networks related to the theme of the call. 
    • A paragraph that clearly describes the theme, line, or research question that will guide the special issue. 
    • A brief justification (theoretical and empirical) of the importance of the proposed topic and the objectives that the publication targets. 
    • A list of possible areas or subtopics that are expected to be included in the call. 
    • We wish to highlight that any author or group of authors may submit articles for special editions, without restriction, and that decisions about including them in the special issue will be based exclusively on their quality, and will be subjected to peer review. However, to assessche feasibility of the proposal, we recommend (although it is not mandatory) including: 
      • A list of potential authors who may be interested in participating in the special issue and a brief description of their study areas. 
      • Information regarding an instance (congress, seminar, international research group, etc.) that may have special interest in this call (justifying such interest).
  • The deadline for the presentation of proposals is November 30, 2020. The proposal must be sent by email to the editors of Cuadernos.info: Sebastián Valenzuela (savalenz@uc.cl) and Daniela Grassau (dgrassau@uc.cl), cc-ing the editorial assistant Constanza Vásquez (csvasque@uc.cl). The proposals will be reviewed by the editorial team of Cuadernos.info and we will inform which proposal has been selected no later than March 2021.

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