8 de abril de 2020


Ethics and Children's Rights in the Digital Age
2nd October 2020
Braga, Portugal

Interested participants are encouraged to submit a 250-word abstract on one of the two following themes, distributed in two sessions:

Session 1. Ethics in research with children

When doing research with children and young people, ethical issues arise at all stages of the life cycle of the project and invite to reflexivity. Issues related to trust are raised when: i) Contacting gatekeepers and accessing children and young people. Requirements may differ depending on the country, the place of research and the groups we want to do research with. ii) Building rapport and negotiating consent with children and young people and explaining issues related to anonymity and confidentiality. iii) Saving and using photographs and videos of children and young people in research outputs (security, misuse, dissemination…). iv) Involving children and young people in the analyses of the data and in the dissemination of results.

Session 2. Ethics and Children’s Digital Rights

Thirty years ago the UN Convention did not envisaged the fast pace of digital evolution and related challenges children and families face. Since then, the digital landscape has been increasingly accessible to younger generations of children and decisions to keep children safe online has created tensions between rights to protection and participation. Considering some polarised debates and controversies on the inevitability of digital in children’s lives and in finding a balanced approach, we invite researchers and scholars to discuss and reflect on ethics concerning children’s protection, participation and provision rights and how these transfer to the digital? What changes in the digital sphere? Or not? How can we think these rights properly, namely right to privacy, image rights, right of personal portrayal.

Submission and selection process

Abstracts must be submitted by April 17, 2020 to the following e-mail: cym.ecrea2020@gmail.com

Submit your abstract as an e-mail attachment with no references to the author(s). Author(s) details (name, affiliation and contact details) must be included in the e-mail message.

Participants should submit their proposal either for theme 1 or theme 2.

No more than 15 abstracts will be selected for each session. Small groups of participants sharing similar issues will allow in-depth discussions, which will be followed by the presentation and debate in plenary.

Abstracts will be subject to blind peer-review.

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