12 de agosto de 2021


I International Symposium of Cinema and Film Analysis (Online)

17-19 November 2021


We are delighted to invite proposals from academic researchers to be presented at the I International Symposium of Cinema and Film Analysis; organized by the CNPq research group CineArte – Cinema, Film Analysis, and Intellectual Experience. The event will be held online from 17-19 November 2021, and our goal is to deepen and broaden the exchange between research works centered on film analysis by gathering different perspectives, observing the outcomes when selecting different theoretical approaches and methodologies, and seeing how film language can be intertwined with numerous fields of study.

We are interested in the moving image studies, sound, film analysis definitions, case studies, changes throughout the time, and debates centered beyond movies, such as the interchange between other fields of study within the Arts and Human Sciences. The Symposium is a result of an interdisciplinary exchange between researchers who investigate the relationship between cinema, audiovisual, by selecting film analysis as a methodology within different usages and contexts. 

Structured as a subject between 1960 and 1970, film analysis divides and reconstitutes meanings within audiovisual products. Between the twentieth and the twenty-first century, we can identify different branches of it: François Jost and André Gaudreault's narratology, David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson's narrative and style analyses, Jacques Aumont's immanent perspective, Laura Mulvey's feminist film theory that investigated the male gaze through the psychoanalysis and also her counter cinema proposal, Eisenstein's montage, the interchange between art history and style, formal aesthetics, social and historical perspectives, allegories, among others. Considering the ongoing and broad debates within film analysis, we invite proposals within four different approaches. Possible topics might include (but are not limited to):

  1. Film theory, case studies, and film analysis. Theoretical studies questioning the concepts and the kind of analysis. These papers may be drawn from canonic film theories and also other fields of study. Film analysis as a tool to investigate specific audiovisual products. 
  2. Intersections between audiovisual and other arts. Different epistemologies and approaches emerged from the intersection between films and other art forms, concepts, and audiovisual objects created in the space between the edge of cinema and other arts. Methodological challenges to instigate possible debates between the avant-garde films, modern films and flux cinema, and their connection with paintings, photography, and theater. Conceptual interactions between theory and art history. 
  3. Female gaze and feminism. Feminist film studies, female authorship, films and gender, feminism and modernity, female star system. 4. The politics, the engagement, and the criticism: film analysis and its interfaces. Theoretical contributions developed by eminent critics, critical studies and resistance as the foreground of interpretative constructions and historical contexts, the critics' tasks such as creating theories that relate the movies to the society, film analysis' usage of the critical studies tools, investigation centering the politics; including urban conflicts, socio-environmental problems, minority group issues, or other perspectives about the country. More information is available on GP CineArte – Cinema, Film Analysis and Intellectual Experience


Guideline for submission

Please, send a 400-word abstract to (cinemaeanalisefilmica@gmail.com), including title, name, institution, a short bio (80 words max.), and a short bibliography (5 references max.) by August 29, 2021. The proposal must be sent as a ".doc" file, Arial, size 12, 1,5 line spacing (“.pdf” submissions will not be accepted). We will accept original proposals in Portuguese, English, Spanish, and French. Applicants can submit them individually or with a co-author. Each author can submit only one abstract for a 20-minute presentation. The event is free of charge.

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