12 de junio de 2019


The literary image and the screen
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
5-6 September 2019

This conference aims to explore the connections and relationships between literature and the screen, from the pre-cinematic age to the era of television and new digital technologies. A cross-media approach, aimed at understanding the reciprocal influences between these various artistic forms, as seen from the point of view of techniques of representation, theoretical exchanges and the circulation of works, will shed new light on ideas in, and theories of, both literature and the cinema.

We welcome, though do not restrict, proposals for papers that pertain to the following lines of enquiry:
  • literary anticipations of cinematographic techniques
  • the relationship between literature and pre-cinematic visual experimentations (for example, the diorama and the magic lantern)
  • literary techniques that influence film narration and, conversely, cinematographic techniques that influence writing
  • contemporary film theories and literary techniques
  • the manner in which the forms of cinema and literature differ in the ways that they respond to societal, political and cultural change
  • theoretical exchanges between literature and film (e.g. Eisenstein, Jameson)
  • spatial and temporal approaches to the literary and cinematic
  • writers’ reflections on cinema

The official language of the conference is English.

This will be the opening event of a series co-organised by the University of Genoa and the University of Oxford.

Application process: 
  1. Please send an abstract (max. 250 words) and a short bio (max. 50 words) in a PDF attachment to oxford.genoa.conference.2019@gmail.com
  2. Proposals should include your name, university affiliation (if applicable), academic status, and the title of your paper. 
  3. Papers should not exceed 20 minutes.
  4. The deadline for abstract submissions has been extended to 30th June 2019. Notification of acceptance will be communicated on 15th July 2019.

The Organizing Committee:
Peter Budrin, Pany Xenophontos (University of Oxford)
Daniele Franzoni, Martina Morabito, Natalia Osis (University of Genoa) 

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