12 de junio de 2019


The Popular Culture Studies Journal is looking for student papers on any aspect of popular culture for an upcoming special Student Showcase. The papers can be from any current undergraduate or graduate student.

We are looking for 10-20 page papers following MLA style that examine different popular culture texts, communities, industries, and individuals from across time and around the world, and from any theoretical or methodological perspective. The main element of the paper is that an undergraduate or graduate student was the primary researcher and scholar producing the work.

All submissions will undergo the peer-review process, so we recommend faculty mentors help their students who are unfamiliar with the submission and peer-review aspects of academic publishing.

Submissions should contain a keyword — “Undergraduate Student” or “Graduate Student” — to identify that the submission is meant in particular for this upcoming issue.

To be considered for this showcase, submissions must be in by June 30, 2019.

Any questions can be directed to PCSJ Editor, CarrieLynn D. Reinhard (pcsj@mpcaaca.org).

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