17 de octubre de 2019


The editorial collective of the open access journal, disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory, calls for submissions that explore theories of populism for an issue to be published summer 2020. The recent uptick in populism signals political, economic and/or social unrest across the globe, yet, populism remains a phenomenon that is difficult to define. Populism has been conceptualized as an ideology (Mudde 2004), a discourse (Laclau 2005), a style (Moffit 2016, De la Torre 2010), and a political strategy (Weyland 2001). 

Some scholars maintain that populism’s development is inherent to liberal democracy (Canvovan 1999), while others maintain that it arises as a critique of neoliberalism (Pia-Lara 2018, Fraser 2018). Given the myriad of ways populism has been theorized, it is not surprising that populism remains a difficult concept to identify. In the spirit of this ambiguity, we seek to discuss theories of populism that challenge or extend these existing ideas. 

We invite work that addresses, exceeds, or cuts across topics that include but are not limited to:

  • Definitions and/or conceptualizations of populism 
  • Global populism(s) 
  • Populism and capitalism 
  • Populism and fascism 
  • Populism and democracy 
  • Populism in theory 
  • Populism in practice 
  • Populism and mass society 
  • Populism and the people 
  • Left- and right-wing populisms 
  • Populism in advanced industrial societies 
  • Comparative populisms 
  • Populist style 
  • Populist discourse

About disClosure
disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory is a graduate student-run, blind-refereed journal produced in conjunction with the Committee on Social Theory at the University of Kentucky. We welcome submissions from graduate students and faculty as well as authors and artists concerned with social theory and populism, regardless of academic affiliation. Submissions may be from any discipline or theoretical perspective, and we welcome all genres (scholarly articles, essays, interviews, reviews, practitioner pieces, short fiction, poetry, and artwork). The 29th volume of disClosure will include interviews with Chip Berlet, Paulina Ochoa Espejo, Maria Pia-Lara and Ken Roberts. Previous volumes of disclosure.

Submission Information
Please visit the journal’s website for specific submission guidelines. Please note that while we welcome submissions of varying types, we suggest 6,000 – 8,000 words for scholarly articles.

Deadline for full manuscript submissions: December 01, 2019.

Copyright Policy
Authors will retain copyright of submitted material and grant disClosure permission to publish articles under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial license. Authors are responsible for securing copyright and fair use notices and must submit them prior to publication. disClosure is not responsible for loss or damage resulting from submission.

Do you have a question about this issue or want some early feedback on your submitted manuscript? Please contact us! The Editors-in-Chief (Aimee Imlay and Matthew Wentz) may be reached at disclosurejournal@gmail.com.

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