31 de enero de 2019


EJOTMAS: Ekpoma Journal of Theatre and Media Arts Call for Papers Interested scholars and practitioners are hereby invited to submit articles for review and possible publication in Volume 7, Nos. 1&2 of EJOTMAS.  The volume will be published in September, 2019.

Although EJOTMAS receives manuscripts throughout the year, it only publishes a volume of two issues once in two years (that is, it is a biennial journal). Contributors are encouraged to submit manuscripts in English as the only preferred language. Contributions have to be sent electronically to omoera@yahoo.com and coaluede@yahoo.com.  In an effort to reach wide readership, this journal maintains both print and electronic versions.

Contributors are requested to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Each article must be an original work of the author and not yet published or under consideration anywhere else. 
  2. Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages in length, and should be typed double-spaced in MS-word format and Times New Roman 12 point font size. 
  3. Except when absolutely necessary, photographs and heavy graphic works should be avoided. 
  4. Title of paper, the full name, address, current status and institutional affiliation of the author, as well as functional email address and phone number should be written on a separate page attached. 
  5. Digital object identifiers (DOIs) of referenced articles (if available) should be included in the reference sections for articles or works cited by authors. 
  6. The contributor must be consistent in the use of either the MLA or APA style. Heavy graphics and footnotes to the text should be avoided. 

Deadline for submissions: April 30, 2019

All articles, correspondence and enquiries should be sent to:

Osakue Stevenson OMOERA, Ph.D., CIMIM, M. Sonta
Department of Theatre and Media Arts,
Faculty of Arts, Ambrose Alli University, PMB 14 Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria
Email: omoera@yahoo.com

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