18 de diciembre de 2019


The Migration Conference
Migration and Religion
2-5 de Junio de 2020

The Religion and Migration track invites the submission of papers exploring all facets of the intersections of mobility, migration, and religion. 

All papers presented at the conference must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another conference. Structured abstracts (up to 500 words) are invited for submission.

Structured long abstracts should state clearly the objectives, referring to relevant literature, methods, results and conclusions of the work, and should be no more than 500 words in length.
Up to 5-6 key references cited in the abstract can be given and these are not included in the word count.

A maximum of 500 words excluding references.
Microsoft Word documents only
A4-page formatted
2.5cm margins on all sides
Single spaced
12-point Times Roman font (the title, which must be 14-point Times Roman).

You are NOT required to submit full papers. There will be a limited number of poster sessions for which we invite submissions.

Follow this link to access the submission portal.

Contact Info: Eric M. Trinka (trinkaem@jmu.edu)

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