5 de noviembre de 2018


We are very pleased to introduce the International Journal of Creative Media Research, which is founded and hosted by The Centre for Media Research at Bath Spa University. The mission statement of the International Journal of Creative Media Research is to be an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed and open access journal devoted to pushing forward the approaches to and possibilities for publishing creative media-based research.

Championing critical rigour and creative reflection, the journal will specialise in capturing the emerging tools, approaches and methods of practice-based and practice-led research. It will publish original screen-based, sound-based, time-based and experiential forms of creative media research, spanning works of film, music, media art, creative and digital writing, curation practice, multiplatform and ludic artefacts that contribute to fields across Media and Game Studies, Communication and Cultural Studies, Art and Design, Music, Creative Writing, Drama, Dance, Performing Arts, Film and Screen Studies, or Education.

We will publish two issues a year: one an open call that publishes on any topic relevant to the journal’s scope, the other a themed special issue with a guest editor that contributes new research to one of The Centre for Media Research’s three areas of specialism: Digital Materialities, Film & Social Context, or Play & Multiplatform. Essentially, we are interested in receiving submissions from researchers who want to have a voice in shaping the future of creative media-based research.

In seeking to push forward approaches to publishing creative media-based research, the journal will also make use of Bath Spa's MediaWall - an architectural scale portrait format gallery, consisting of ten 55” panels and standing 4 meters wide and 7.5 meters tall - by establishing an annual Award in Creative Media Research, also to be judged by our international editorial board, which will provide creatives with a chance to produce, curate and disseminate creative media-based research for a unique platform and audience at Bath Spa University. Applicants must submit a 300-word statement that outlines the research question, the methodology or approach, and clarifies how the MediaWall’s aesthetic form augments the aims of the research.

Our journal has a registered ISSN, will be indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals, and will assign all published submissions with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). It also shares an affiliation with the MeCCSA Practice Network, which champions practice within the UK's Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Association, ensuring that those that teach and research practice across the academy have a strong voice within the subject association.

We are now accepting submissions, and authors have a choice of four innovative practice-based submission categories to choose from:

  • Single-Piece Explorations (single video or audio piece accompanied by 1,500-word research statement) 
  • Multi-Piece Portfolios (mixed media video, image and audio pieces accompanied by 3,000-word route-map) 
  • Practice Discoveries (6,000-word article accompanied by relevant video, audio, imagery) 
  • Audio-Visual Reviews (5-minute essay film reviewing a chosen academic work)

Watch out for the inaugural curated issue of the journal in the coming months, which will showcase the research of our international editorial board, but for now you can visit the pre-launch - though fully functioning - version of the journal.

Any enquiries can be directed to the journal's Editors: Matthew Freeman (m.freeman@bathspa.ac.uk), Charlie Tweed (c.tweed@bathspa.ac.uk), and James Newman (j.newman@bathspa.ac.uk).

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