15 de diciembre de 2020


The editors of Economía Creativa, an academic journal of CENTRO Advanced Design and Communication Institute, are pleased to invite you to participate in the next issues, according to the following guidelines:


Editorial Guidelines (Approaches and Scope)

The purpose of this publication is to contribute to the effective dissemination of new knowledge related to the field of Creative Economies, (Architecture, Marketing, Textile and Fashion Design, Communication, Film and Television, Fashion Design, Publishing Industries, Advertising, etc.), Social Innovation, and Prospective, in any of these modalities:

  • New and original research reports 
  • Case Studies. 
  • Articles of dissemination and reviews of books on recent multimedia work, linked to the topics of specialization of the publication.


Section Policies Research articles

A first criterion for evaluating the articles received is your adherence to our editorial guidelines. Failure to comply with any of the established aspects is grounds for rejection of the work submitted.

Files with manuscripts should have the extensions .doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf, or .odt, be written in Spanish or English, in a clear, precise and accessible language for Graduate Students, Professors, Researchers and Public Policy Designers, among other possible readers, in accordance with the guidelines of the APA style manual. and considering the following structure:

  • Title and translation of the title, name and mandatory author identifier (ORCID), ascription and contact details of the author, as well as the contribution of each mandatory author (CRediT). In addition, the declaration of being the original author or co-author of the work must be signed (see and download here). 
  • Summary of structured work on Introduction, Methodology and Conclusions not exceeding 150 words and its respective translation in Spanish. 
  • Maximum 5 keywords in English and its respective translation in Spanish. 
  • Development of 5,000 to 10,000 words (introduction, materials and methods, results achieved, discussion or conclusions) for case studies, scientific articles and reports. 
  • Bibliographic references in APA format (7th edition). 
  • We urge the authors to include in their work adequate visual aids: infographics, photographs, diagrams, graphs, tables or other illustrative content, which should be sent in separate files and based on the following guidelines: 
  • Note must be added in the body of the text indicating the exact place where the table, image or attached file in question should be placed (eg: [insert Figure 1]). 
  • The images to include must be in .tiff, .jpeg format and must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. It is recommended to avoid the use of words in a language other than Spanish and of unnecessary neologisms. If it is unavoidable to use a term in a foreign language (because there is no appropriate translation), a brief explanation or approximate translation of the term should be noted in parentheses or as a footnote. In addition, the use of italics and bold letters for rhetorical emphasis should be avoided.

The editorial coordination reserves the right to make the correction of style and editorial changes deemed necessary to improve the work including the title.

Complete Call for articles

Deadline: December 30, 2020

Contact: Eduardo Alvarez ealvarezl@centro.edu.mx

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