2 de abril de 2019


Workshop Interact 2019
02 or 03 of September
Paphos, Cyprus

Grounded on principles of co-creation, this one-day workshop will offer an interdisciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners aiming at challenging the limits of existing approaches to tackle misinformation and fostering the design of misinformation resilient societies.

Interaction designers, journalists, educators, policymakers or other related stakeholders are encouraged to participate and submit a position paper describing their approach towards fighting misinformation, acknowledged limits of the approach, and how they envision a future in which the societies are resilient to misdisinformation.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  •    Socio-technical empirical studies
  •    Motivational and behavioural studies
  •    Human values
  •    Persuasive technology
  •    Games and gamification
  •    Information and media literacy
  •    Fact-checking
  •    Social media policies and regulation
  •    Automated tools for misinformation detection and notifications
  •    Legal and ethical aspects

The paper should be from 2 to 4 pages in the Springer LNCS format. Accepted papers will be published in the adjunct conference proceedings and available at the workshop website.  Submissions will be reviewed by the workshop organisers according to their relevance to the problem and motivations to advance towards a more systemic socio-technical solution.

Workshop outcomes will be published as a poster presentation at the main conference and as a video. The possibility of a special issue journal will be discussed with the participants. Participants will be invited to actively engage in a series of co-creation activities for:

  • Discussing challenges, obstacles or problems related to misinformation
  • Challenging existing approaches to misinformation and their limitations
  • Mapping stakeholders, questioning the relationships between them
  • Co-creating future scenarios where digital platforms support misinformation resilience Identifying criteria for assessing the potential of solutions to make an impact

Submission deadline: 26-Apr-2019
Notification to the authors: 07-Jun-2019
Camera-ready version: 21-Jun-2019
Workshop: 02 or 03-Sep-2019

Follow the template and guidelines from Springer LNCS: https:www.springer.comgpcomputer-sciencelncsconference-proceedings-guidelines Submit your position paper on Easychair.

Visit the workshop website for more updated information.

Contact one of the organisers:
Lara Piccolo - lara.piccolo@open.ac.uk
Somya Joshi - somya@dsv.su.se
Evangelos Karapanos - evangelos.karapanos@cut.ac.cy
Tracie Farrell - tracie.farrell@open.ac.uk

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