Session 2: Presentation of media and communication
research projects
Conference Media (&) Life After/During Covid-19
Pandemic (online)
26 October 2020
Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Institute of Social Communication and
Media Science, University of Wroclaw, Institute of International Studies invite
for submissions to the Session 2: Presentation of media and communication
research projects during the Conference Media (&) Life After/During
Covid-19 Pandemic which will be held online on 26 October 2020.
In view of the situation in which researchers found
themselves almost all over the world - cancellation of many academic events
and, at the same time, the new challenges posed by the academy and the current
epidemic - we decided to meet the current needs and invite media and
communication researchers to participate in the discussion on the present and
future of communication and media studies in the face of the pandemic.
We would like to ask important questions and start a
discussion on topics that are dynamically emerging. Among them there are
questions such as: What are the biggest challenges in research in the field of
media and communication studies posed by the current pandemic? What will it
probably bring? What has already changed in our studies, projects and research
practice? Which important topics are emerging in media and communication
studies in relation to the pandemic and its consequences? What kind of ethical
challenges and dilemmas will we face? In media and communication studies, as in
science: can we expect a change in the distribution model of research results,
e.g. growing role of the publications outside the peer review model and a
long-term publishing process? Are application projects - constructed ad hoc for
the so-called social good - becoming more important now than ever? What are the
other changes that have already taken place and/or should take place, and how
should we possibly direct them?
The conference will consist of two parts: Session 1:
Experts debate and Session 2: Presentation of media and communication research
Session 1: Experts debate
The first part will be devoted to speeches and
discussions of experts on the following topics:
- Kirsten Drotner, University of Southern Denmark, Welfarist media studies: why, why now?
- Göran Bolin, Södertörn University, Datafication and educational value in a post-Covid19 world
- Veronika Kalmus, University of Tartu, "Jobs that really matter": Some reflections on changes in science
- Nevena Dakovic, University of the Arts in Belgrade, Mediating and Communicating Crisis: C19 Pandemic or infodemic?
- Fausto Colombo, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Infodemic, pandemic, and Covid-19: an ecological approach
- Leopoldina Fortunati, University of Udine, How a research project had to be reformulated because of COVID19. A narrative on the design and methodological changes intervened in a research project during the emergency
- Heidi Vandebosch, University of Antwerp, Studying people's media use during COVID-19 and lockdown times: Opportunities and challenges
- Helena Bilandzic, Universität Augsburg, The role of media in the pandemic: How citizens seek and avoid, trust and mistrust media information in a health crisis
Session 2: Presentation of media and communication
research projects
The second part of the conference will be devoted to
the presentation of specific research projects in the field of communication
and media studies, which concern a pandemic or which are implemented in spite
of an ongoing pandemic, but which address the challenge of adapting to changing
conditions. We would also like to look at theoretical, methodological,
technical and ethical challenges faced by media and communication researchers
in their current research projects as well as at results of the research,
including the preliminary ones, which have been managed to develop during this
difficult time.
If you are interested in participation in Session 2,
please send your e-mail application containing the following data together with
the necessary approvals to Katarzyna Majkowska, Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub: by 20.09.20.
There is no conference fee.
Any substantive questions about the conference can be
answered by Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in
Lublin via email:
The application for participation in Session 2:
Presentation of media and communication research projects should include:
- Information about the main submitter:
- name and surname
- affiliation
- email address
- telephone number
- Information about project presentation:
- names and surnames of all project presenters with their affiliations
- title of presentation
- brief abstract of the presentation (up to 200 words)
- title of the conducted project to be presented
- basic information about the conducted project: research problem,
- research objective, research methods (up to 200 words)
The statement:
I agree to the processing of personal data provided in
this application according to “Detailed Information Concerning the Processing
of Your Personal Data by the Municipality of Wrocław” attached to the call for
Please note: In case of multi-author presentation, it
is necessary to send a statement of consent by all presenters individually by
them, in separate emails by 20.09.20.
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