25 de mayo de 2020


Poetic Justice: Narrating Personhood, Solidarity, and Citizenship
CFVP Virtual Video Symposium

This one-day digital symposium brings together international colleagues for an interdisciplinary conversation on the use of narratives to make claims about (or foreclose the possibility of) social justice in both formal and informal political situations, for example in art, memoir, social media, protest movements, and legal documents.  As such, the event unpacks the vital role of storytelling within contemporary political struggles, including, for example, in films about restorative justice, in newspaper representations of the Dutch farmers’ strike, and ethnography regarding labor organization in the digital media industry.  Only by better understanding how stories shape who is included and excluded from social institutions may we thoughtfully narrate a more open and inclusive society, since policy and politics begin with an act of imagination.  Please feel free to interpret the theme liberally.

Talks can be between 5 and 30 minutes and must be submitted in digital video form.  The format is flexible and may consist of a recorded live reading, slides with an audio track, audio only, or something more creative or conceptual like montage or remix.  The symposium takes place on the 19th, meaning participants are encouraged to comment on each other’s presentations that day, and the event will end with a closing zoom call.  In these complicated times, we hope to offer a sense of connection between colleagues and an opportunity to remotely support each other’s research.  To present RSVP with your intent to Anne Kustritz at a.m.kustritz@uu.nl by 29 May.  The deadline to submit a video is the 16th of June.  To participate as a viewer and commenter RSVP by 18 June (a.m.kustritz@uu.nl).

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