17 de septiembre de 2020


For those of us who are in social isolation but otherwise well, this may be a time to undertake further work with our existing video archives. We may not be able to generate new moments together, but we can certainly look back at the video we have created and further unfold its meanings. With this in mind, Journal of Embodied Research (JER) proposes a special issue on “illuminated video.”

Submissions to this special issue should follow three parameters:
  • Begin with a piece of uncut video lasting no more than 20 minutes. There can be no editing of the video or audio tracks, no added effects (except basic color or contrast correction), no added voiceover or soundtrack, no montage — in other words, a single “raw” video recording.
  • To this uncut video, authors may add any number of textual annotations or “illuminations,” in addition to the title and authors. These could include subtitles, annotations, explanation, analysis, and/or scholarly or poetic quotations. The size, color, and placement of these texts should be given attention, as well as their relative density or sparsity. All sources must be properly cited within the video itself.
  • The authors of the video article — those who select the video material and write and append the textual material — should appear in the video itself or otherwise demonstrate accountability to those whose bodies appear. Ideally, you should be writing on your own audiovisual body.

The purpose of this special issue is to explore the relationship between textual and audiovisual layers, as well as the potential for sharing ethically grounded and embodied knowledge by textually illuminating one’s own audiovisual body. The raw video material should be of interest by itself, but it does not need to be “high quality” in videographic terms. This is intended as an opportunity for practitioners to return to their own video archive and generate a new work using those materials, in which they speak/write back to their own practice through textual annotation. This special issue may be peer reviewed as a whole, rather than each article individually.

Deadline: 1 November 2020

contact email: b.spatz@hud.ac.uk

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