17 de septiembre de 2020


The Routledge journal Transnational Screens is seeking article submissions. The journal has recently changed its name from Transnational Cinemas in response to ongoing developments in global film, television and Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD),  and shifts in how we understand new industrial and textual practices. Transnational Screens aims to break down traditional geographical divisions and welcomes submissions on any aspect of transnational film, television or streaming cultures.

Guidelines for submitting articles can be found on this link.

The journal homepage can be accessed here for an example of recent publications.

We are also interested in receiving enquiries about conference or symposium reviews, reviews of films and television series, and book reviews. Please contact the editors if you have any ideas for these, and where relevant to the journal's scope.

We recently published a book based on the 10 year anniversary double issue that may be of interest to colleagues

The co-editors are:
Armida de la Garza adelagarza@ucc.ie
Ruth Doughty - R.J.Doughty@ljmu.ac.uk
Deborah Shaw Deborah.shaw@port.ac.uk 

Book review editor yael.friedman@port.ac.uk

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