28 de mayo de 2019


The First Amendment’s protections of speech and press have often placed the United States at the forefront of communication law given its exceptional position. However, our communication landscape has increasingly become one that knows no geographic boundaries. Communication law scholarship that reflects this international perspective has become more influential as law and policy decisions begin to have greater global impact. The shockwaves from the European Union’s recent implementation of its General Data Protection Regulation were felt worldwide as media companies and international corporations frantically prepared to comply. Elsewhere in the world, campaigns to decriminalize defamation gained strength and found success in countries such as Lesotho. Yet, international attempts to quell “fake news” and other rampant forms of misinformation continue to threaten freedom of expression.

We invite contributions to a special issue of Communication Law & Policy on global communication law and policy. The journal welcomes papers addressing media law from international and comparative perspectives. Subject areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to: defamation, privacy, access to information, internet governance, and intellectual property. A variety of methodologies, including traditional legal and historical research as well as quantitative and qualitative methods, are welcome. Scholarship focused on the Global South and emerging economies is encouraged, as are submissions by graduate students and junior scholars with an interest in expanding their areas of research to include an international, comparative or foreign law perspective.

Details of Submission and Due Dates
To be considered, papers must be submitted by June 15, 2019.All paper submissions should adhere to Communication Law & Policy’s submission guidelines. Submitted papers will undergo blind peer review. Those selected for publication will be published in a forthcoming issue of Communication Law & Policy.

Associate Editors
Kyu Ho Youm, Jonathan Marshall First Amendment Chair, University of Oregon

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