21 de mayo de 2019


Fusion Building, Bournemouth University, UK, Monday 8th July, 2019

It’s been five years since the edited collection Queer Youth and Media Cultures was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2014.  Editor Christopher Pullen and The Inclusivity Team of Bournemouth University, Faculty of Media and Communication invite you a free symposium event which celebrates the continuing and developing academic study of LGBTQ youth in the media, in a time when there is much needed work in this area.
In the UK, recent political responses to the ‘No Outsiders’ programme reveals how the representation of LGBTQ identity in school is complex and sensitive.  Also we are living in an age where our role models are often young queer citizens. Undocumented queer youth are trailblazers in the United States. Transgender activists such Jazz Jennings in the reality series I am Jazz, and many others online are making impact.  Queer youth are leading causes for equality, respect and transformation.

We invite you to take part in our symposium as a presenter, workshop panel member or simply an attendee (see details below). We will reflect on the advent of Queer Youth and Media Cultures, besides defining new areas of study and the advent of a new proposed edited collection on queer youth activism in the media, which we will invite formal proposals for, after the symposium.

We are inviting academics passionate about the subject area to take park in the event, and we will produce a full programme just after 5th June.  We look forward to meeting you to make connections and develop research alliances.

Confirmed keynote speakers, and original contributors to Queer Youth and Media Cultures

Please contact Christopher Pullen at Bournemouth University cpullen@bournemouth.ac.uk should you wish to participate in this free event (with refreshments) or simply wish to attend.

We will first review proposals for participation, then publish the full programme, whilst releasing spaces for attendees only.

YOUR OPTIONS ARE – with a deadline June 5th 2019
  1. Propose a presentation: please submit a paper working title, a 200-word abstract, and a short biography. 
  2. Propose being a workshop panel member: please submit 100 words stating your research interests, and a short biography. 
  3. Or simply attend, please email Christopher, and he will put you on a list, then remind you when the formal registration is open, a little after June 5th.

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