10 de mayo de 2019


I am seeking authors for two specific chapters in an upcoming, peer reviewed volume of Emerald Studies in Media and Communications Book Series sponsored by CITAMS (Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association). The volume will focus on technology and government and will be divided into two parts. Part one will examine how government procures and uses technology, and part two would be how changes in technology have changed the way government operates.

I have received numerous submissions and commitments, but to make the book as strong and relevant I am seeking authors for two specific chapters.

Specifically, as I have been reviewing the submissions and considering the different aspects of eGovernment I am seeking chapters that:

  1. Provide a case study of an example of a government or governmental entity that has done a good job of purchasing and or implementing technology. The news is rife with stories of cost overruns, delays, or incorrect and insufficient purchases or implementations. But are there any governments that have done an excellent job of buying computing devices or implementing a new system? eEstonia appears to be such a case. A case study of the creation and implementation of eEstonia would be ideal. Alternately, a case study that finds other jurisdictions, departments, or agencies that have a model would be very welcome. Finally, this chapter should provide lessons learned and how those lessons or principles could be transferrable to other governmental entities.
  2. A chapter that examining what people who have grown up with technology, smartphones, near ubiquitous broadband expect of government? And, can government meet those expectations?

To me, this is an unexplored area of research with profound implications. The internet and technology have revolutionized the world and many industries. It has likely forever altered the publishing and retail industries, to name just two examples. However, government is not going away. With every passing year technology advances and the percentage of the population who did not know a world before technology grows. Broadband and its capabilities just emerged as viable residential option in the early 2000s. And, the first iPhone came to market in 2008. We will soon encounter a generation of people whose entire existence and much of their interactions with the world are conducted with and through some means of technology. This chapter will focus on how the current and future population expects to interact with government. And, will begin to address the question of how do governments who have a poor record on purchasing, implementing, and innovating with technology provide the level of service expected by those who have never interacted with entities without the aid of technology?

Questions may be addressed to Lloyd.Levine@hotmail.com

The due date for manuscripts is Friday, June 28th, 2019.

Please format your text according to the guidelines.

All submissions must be in Word and include:

  1. title of manuscript, 
  2. abstract up to 250 words, 
  3. up to 6 keywords, 
  4. main text with headings, 
  5. references, 
  6. as appropriate to the submission appendices, images, figures, and tables.

Word Count Inclusive of Citations
Pieces should be approximately 7,000-10,000 words, including citations. However, I am more concerned with appropriateness to the topic than a specific length. Should you have a proposal that fits the topic well I am happy to consider pieces as short as 5,000 words or as long as 12,000. I only ask that you give me advance notice of the length so I can make the appropriate adjustments.

CTA Forms and Permissions
Please download the CTA form, fill it out, and return it with your manuscript.

If you are using third party materials, please follow Emerald Publishing’s Guidelines.

If needed, please provide any permissions forms.

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