of Displacement: Mapping Migration in Cinema, Contemporary Arts and Cultural
March 23d - 26th 2019
In occasion
of the XVII edition of the MAGIS Spring School, the Cinema and Contemporary Arts section will address the ever-topical issue of migration and its manifold
relationships to art (and film) making, curatorship and exhibition. As
suggested by Bourriaud (2007), in a global scenario contemporary art can be
seen as “a practice of displacement”, for the way it transcodes and translates
signifying elements from one context to another. If interpreted in relation to
migration as a social phenomenon, “human displacement” can constitute a
challenge to artistic practices as well as archival and curatorial ones (Ring
Petersen, 2017; Johansson, Bevelander 2017): whenever dealing with the representations
and heritage of deterritorialized communities, artworks and art institutions
become sites to negotiate cultural differences (Durrant, Lord, 2017).