The communicational line of thought and critical investigation
articulated by Armand and Michèle Mattelart is one of the main criteria for
strategical production of knowledge in the field – in Latin America and
worldwide. This line of thought has been distinguished by its transdisciplinary
strength to formulate theoretical resource/issues/subject and by its
consistency and methodological openness to combine research strategies and
procedures, which conjoin to elucidate a set of significant problems to the area
of communication science.
In an epistemological dimension, Mattelart line has been a referential
framework to considerations and systematic and deep critiques on the
methodological and theoretical models, hegemonic in the area (positivism,
functionalism, formalism, instrumentalism, technicism). In this sense, their
argumentation on behalf of Latin American critical thought, which they
recognize due to its philosophical, political, ethical and aesthetical fortune,
has contributed to strategically questioning the Euro-American logocentrism. In this perspective, their epistemological work has been vital to
problematize left-wing logics, assumptions, scholastic cultures, and political
– communicational behaviors. With this in mind, their analysis of Allende and
Mitterrand’s govern administrations, and of the “politics” of left-wing
governments in Latin America and worldwide, are paradigmatic. Their criticism
on politically correct culturalism, which has substantially restricted thoughts
on culture communication since the 1980s, is also enlightening.