Contributions are sought for Film Stock: Histories,
Technologies, Aesthetics, a volume that aims to offer a critical overview of
the history of film stock in its multiple material, technical, social,
political, industrial, and aesthetic dimensions. The scope of the book is
conceived in truly global terms: we particularly welcome contributions that
address non-Western contexts, as well as contributions that work between
national or regional contexts. The book’s focus on film stock as a form of
material culture is animated by a host of recent and emergent trends in the
discipline of film and media studies, and we anticipate that contributions will
critically engage with film stock’s many material components, its ecological
and environmental aspects, its economic and industrial histories, and the
ideological underpinnings of its material and technical bases. We welcome contributions
not only from film scholars but also from archivists, preservationists, and
practitioners; proposals for contributions of various lengths are welcome.
Because this volume aims to be a sourcebook, we seek
contributions that are based in particular historical and industrial contexts,
but also address broader questions pertaining to the materiality of media, the
history of cinema, etc. Essays should explore the production, distribution, and
use of film stock from the 1890s to the present and may address, but are by no
means limited to, the following topics: