JSR: Journal for the Study of Radicalism—an academic journal published by Michigan State University Press—announces a call for articles and reviews for our twelfth year of issues.
Forthcoming thematic issues will include anarchism, including Black Bloc activism, ecological radicalism, animal rights radicalism, and right-wing forms of radicalism. We are particularly interested in articles on transnational subjects as well as on lesser-known examples of radicalism, as well as in articles that include theoretical and methodological considerations.
We are interested in articles on radicalism in a wide range of contexts and areas, and encourage articles from humanities and social science perspectives. The Journal for the Study of Radicalism engages in serious, scholarly exploration of the forms, representations, meanings, and historical influences of radical social movements. With sensitivity and openness to historical and cultural contexts of the term, we loosely define "radical," as distinguished from "reformers," to mean groups who seek revolutionary alternatives to hegemonic social and political institutions, and who use violent or non-violent means to resist authority and to bring about change.